Advanced File Management Features

Multi-Cloud Favorites: Your favorite resources in one place.

Your Drivey dashboard just got cooler with multi-cloud favorites. Consolidate important files, folders, and internal or external links across multiple drives into one place on your Drivey dashboard.

Multi-Cloud Favorites: Your favorite resources in one place.

What Are Drivey’s Multi-Cloud Favorites?

Multi-cloud favorites list all of your favorite documents from your different drive accounts into one place. This global favoriting system consolidates your favorited items into a single place on your Drivey dashboard so that you have immediate access to your top resources across all of your drive accounts. 

Benefits of Multi-Cloud Favorites

Easy Access

With all of your favorited items in one place, Drivey’s multi-cloud favorites offer instant access to your favorited resources across all drive on your Drivey dashboard. 


Multi-cloud favorites gives you your time back by consolidating important resources from all of your drive accounts. By integrating all of your favorited items into one place, you can easy find the resources you need and access them quickly from your dashboard. 


Multi-cloud favorites allows you to create a customized folder of favorited items across all of your drives and organize them the way you want. Multi-cloud favorites provides a fully customized dashboard that lets you coordinate your favorited items to your needs. 


Multi-cloud favorites keeps your documents secured and protected with 128-bit encryption. Each of your favorited items can be password protected individually or added to an encrypted folder for the highest level of security. 

Optimize Your Drive Experience With Multi-Cloud Favorites

Drivey’s cross cloud shortcuts make it easy for freelancers and creators with multiple drives to:

  • Access Favorites Quickly:

    Instead of hopping to different accounts to acces your favorited resources, you can access them quickly with multi-cloud favorites with Drivey! All of your favorited items are archived on your Drivey dashboard, allowing you to access them quickly and easily.

  • Consolidate Disjointed Resources :

    Multi-cloud favorites consolidate disjointed resources from separate accounts and make them easy to access on your dashboard. With your multi-cloud favorites, you can combine your favorited items instantly with the click of a button. 

  • Protect Important Files :

    Drivey’s multi-cloud favorites protect important files with 128-bit encrypting and instant backups. No matter what cloud account your favorited item is hosted on, you can easily encrypt it and manage collaboration with administrative controls to keep it secure and protected. 

  • Collaborate Easily:

    Cross-cloud shortcuts make managing multiple projects with different drives faster than ever. Instead of creating wikis with a list off off-drive files and websites, you can use cross cloud shortcuts to easily organize and access important project resources all in your favorite drive.

FAQs: Multi-Cloud Favorites



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